You can search our alibris.com storefront with the following link. They give you the option to search by title, author, keyword, ISBN, etc. Again, make sure the top of the page says BOOKSAVERS, otherwise you will be searching the entire site, not just our books.
We have been blessed with so many donations that our warehouse is full. Therefore, we are not taking book donations at this time. But you can still place your clothing donation in the bin in the parking lot. Thank you for your support.
In the store you will find:
Children's Books, Young Adult Books, Adult Books, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Religious, Classics, Books in Spanish, Magazines, Collectible Books, Local History, Textbooks, Leveled Readers, Homeschool Resources, Manipulatives, Encyclopedias, and much more.
We post our most valuable books for sale on the internet. Booksavers of Maryland advertises nearly 30,000 titles for sale on AbeBooks.com, Amazon.com, eBay, and Alibris.com.
Proceeds from your donation or book purchase support relief, development and peace efforts in the US and around the world. Thank you for your generosity and support.
Donate, shop or volunteer, your support is greatly appreciated!
Store Hours
Our retail store is open the first week of each month from Saturday to Saturday (closed Sunday). 9am-1pm
13625 Pennsylvania Ave.
Hagerstown, MD 21742
TEL: 301-665-1525
EMAIL: booksavers@myactv.net
Our retail store is open one week each month from the first Saturday to the second Saturday
(closed Sunday).
Our store hours during the sale week are
9 am - 1 pm.
After each month's sale, books are replaced with new inventory for the next sale.
If you'd like to search our online inventory of books, this link will take you to our AbeBooks.com storefront. From there you can search by author, title, keyword, etc. Just remember to make sure you are searching on the page with Booksavers of MD at the top. If you do an Advanced Search you will be searching all of AbeBooks.com.
Use the following link to search our products on Amazon.com. You can search by title, author, keyword, ISBN, etc. The easiest way to find out if we have a title is to use the book's International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Every book has a unique ISBN. If you know your book's ISBN it is a lot quicker and simpler than scrolling through long lists.
Mennonite Central Committee
MCC is a global, non-profit organization that strives to share God's love and compassion for all through relief, development and peace.
In all our programs, we are committed to relationships with our local partners and churches.
As a Christian organization, we strive to make peace part of everything we do. When responding to disasters we work with local groups to distribute resources in ways that minimize conflict. In our development work we plan with community and church groups to make sure projects meet their needs. And we advocate for policies that will lead to a more peaceful world.
Recycled Books
Great Prices
Global Impact
Booksavers of Maryland is a not-for profit organization that accepts donated books to be resold, reused or recycled. We resell quality books online and in our retail store. We recycle paper and cardboard from books deemed not suitable for resale. We keep thousands of unwanted books out of landfills each year.
We first opened shop in the basement of a local thrift store. I still remember bringing in those first loads of books saying, "Now what do we do?"
Booksavers was started in 1996 by Leo Martin. He encouraged a local Ten Thousand Villages store to begin collecting donated books that could then be resold. Martin was Resource Coordinator for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). MCC is a worldwide ministry of churches that share God's love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. Proceeds from Booksavers go to support the work of MCC in more than 50 countries, including US and Canada. They carry out disaster relief, sustainable community development and justice and peace-building.
In June 2016, Booksavers of Maryland held their 20th Anniversary. As of that date, they have given over $718,000 to MCC in support of their mission.